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So, I like to watch animation movies, like Toys Story, Sherk,....and so on. And I like to feast at night market too, becasue there is anything to eat, I can't think what I need to eat. The night market has some good food, for example, stinky tofu, chicken fired steak and some drink, they're so delicious.(I love passion fruit,it has a fascinating flavor of sweet and sour) I work at medical techonlogy company for almost two years , I'm an office staff, I'm in charge of control material. Fortunately, it's so close distance between my home and the office. I spent only ten minutes. please help to check grammar, if you have better sentence, please let me know, thanks. 2010-10-12 17:31:46 補充 In fact, you're both help me a lot. I don't know how to choose the best answer. The matter will be decided by vote. 最佳解答網友票選.. 回答者: Cherry Tai ( 初學者 3 級 ) 回答時間: 2010-10-11 18:28:26 [ 檢舉 ] .Well, at first I'm glad to introduce myself. i think it will be better if you say," first of all, i'm glad to have you here and intruduce myself." though there is niothing wrong with your sentence My name is Jeff. Im' from 中和. I like to play basketball at my free time ago, we use"in one's free time", not "at one's free time. and we use" time+ago" so this sentence should be"I liked to play basketball in my free time before" but "Now" I probably couldn't play it, i realize, if you say"now", why don;t you just use"can" instead of "could"? because the doctor told me should be avoid exciting exercise. it should be"because the doctor asked me to avoid exciting exercises" because i guess there's not only one exercise you can't do? I remembered that I could hardly stand last time after exercise. I have couldn't beleve it until nowadays, and Im' only thirty-four of age. just use"i couldn't belived it" So, I like to watch animation movies, like Toys Story, Sherk,....and so on. And I like to feast at night market too, becasue there is anything to eat, I can't think what I need to eat. i guess what you wanna say is" i can't decide which one should i choose(to eat)" The night market has some good food, it will be better if you say"there's some good food at the night market" for example, stinky tofu, chicken fired steak and some drink, drinks they're so delicious.(I love passion fruit,it has a fascinating flavor of sweet and sour) I work at medical techonlogy company for almost two years , I'm an office staff, I'm in charge of control material. Fortunately, it's so close distance between my home and the office. "the distance between my home and office is so close" I spent only ten minutes. "it takes me only ten minutes (to go to work)" that's about it, hope it will help you 參考資料 me 相關詞: night market hero,night market in taiwan,shilin night market,shihlin night market,night market作文,night market food,shida night market,at night market,night market 台灣夜市圖片,richmond night market night market,office staff,basketball,sentence,Jeff,animation movies,Toys Story,free time,English teacher,doctor[ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 1 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) .發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 . 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 .馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 •3分鐘測試你的英文力 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 •立即免費測試你的多益等級 •英文email超實用金句! •免費下載空姐英文教戰手冊 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 相關問答 [ 英文 ]the night market . [ 台灣 ]士林夜市簡介(英文版) . [ 英文 ]請好心人士幫我翻譯一下 . [ 英文 ]徵求英文大師幫我翻譯 . [ 其他 ]誰可以給我一篇標題為The Night Market的文章 . [ 英文 ]如何用英文跟外國人介紹台灣風情???? . 更多 .其他回答(1) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) . 001 回答者: 老登 ( 研究生 1 級 ) 擅長領域: 英文 | 游泳 回答時間: 2010-10-11 18:53:56 [ 檢舉 ] ..The English teacher asked us to have a presentation for two minutes. The subject of presentation is an introducion by myself.(about anything) (If I'm in cram school,~~~begin) I'm glad to introduce myself. My name is Jeff. Im' from 中和. I like to play basketball in my free time , but "Now" I probably couldn't play it,because the doctor told me that I should avoid exciting exercise. I remembered that I could hardly stand last time after exercise. I can't beleve it even now , because Im' only thirty-four years old . I like to watch animation movies, like Toys Story, Sherk,....and so on. And I liketo go to night markets , too, becasue there are always good food to eat , such as stinky tofu, chicken fired steak and some drink, they're so delicious.(I love passion fruit,it has a fascinating flavor of sweet and sour) I work in a medical techonlogy company for almost two years , I'm an office staff, I'm in charge of the controling of material. Fortunately, it's not far from my house to my office. I spend only ten minutes to go to work everyday. 希望有幫助喔! 1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎?. 發表 取消 . 目前沒有資料 我要評論 最新英文 發問中 已解決 .英文文法題目,高手請來 加插入句後的句子變化 機場用語的英文翻譯 ,though 這時候做什麼用? 想了解一個英文句子的意思 更多 The only you can trust! 這句英文對嗎 請幫忙翻譯內容這一句英語 請教有關12年國教:「英文教學區塊」申論題應如何回答 請問這個英文翻譯成中文 英文翻譯~文章中的一句話看不懂 更多 註冊 會員登入 .公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 . HOT! 拍賣 | 語言進修 家庭教師 遊學諮詢 . .刊登贊助網站•一輩子只要46週學英文 我們有解藥,中西頂尖聯手打造,46週突破英文障礙,台北免費試聽,現在不算太晚 •TutorABC線上英文免費載 真人同步線上英文學習,隨時想學就學!天天上線花45分鐘,英文實力倍增。 •學好英文 每天只要45分鐘 學好英文最後優惠!每月990超值價,單字文法不死背,天天45分鐘課程自由選! •102年國民英語線上培訓計劃 響應政府提升國民英文力,102年第一梯次開放申請中,名額有限,立即線上填表 •不要擔心你的英文不夠完美 台積電.連發科.140家企業合作,程度分班效率快一倍,獲天下雜誌評選TOP5 •有Studybank 學測必勝 成為台政成清交新鮮人!頂尖名師高中英文課程,24H反覆學習輕鬆掌握高分 精選關鍵字 ..怎麼唸 翻譯機 單字 學英文 名詞 詞性 發音 練習 口語 英文寫作 用語 句子 祈使句 動詞 演說技巧 怎麼學 意思 文法 中翻英 語法 命令句 英文諺語 演講稿 文章 分詞 補習 英翻中 語言學 翻譯 解釋 會話 專有名詞 自我介紹 片語 提升 .知識搜尋 ...雅虎資訊 版權所有 (c) 2013 Yahoo! Taiwan. All Rights Reserved. 「本服務設有管理員」 服務條款隱私權政策..知識+ 之問答內容是由參與Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 之網友提供,僅供參考,Yahoo!奇摩不保證其正確性。 ... .

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